Prepare to face the ultimate boredom...
an ongoing description of my life, loves, thoughts, fears, work and lustings.

Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 To-Do List Extravaganza!!

It is that time once again.  I don't do New Year's Resolutions...I construct a massive, seemingly insurmountable to do list which would frighten even the most organized and motivated folks.  But first, I must review my list from last year, and point out the hits and misses of this past year (task-wise).

Here's a link to my last year's list.  But I'll post it word for word as well, so we can break it down--piece by painfully-clear-what-I-missed piece.

Here's the list:

1) Complete rough draft of "A. Family Portrait"
       **You know, I didn't quite make it.  Even now; @ the last hour before the calendar turns over to 2013, I was wondering if I should take these remaining hours to complete this task.  I think it would end up being a fake/hollow completion.  I know there's lots to do (although I WILL revel in the fact that I added about 50 pages to this script over the year) and so any last minute splurge of work...well, I don't think it's possible.  I could technically call what I have a rough draft right now, but I don't want to cop out.  I didn't make it.  BUT there was progress.  Of course, saying "there's been some progress" makes me think of a line from my all time fave; DAY OF THE DEAD.  "Yes, there's been some progress."  "What kind of progress?"  Exactly.

2) Complete all aspects of "The 53 Zombie Moods" (that's a heck of a lot in one, but okay)
       **Not even close.  While we did have a successful run on Indie-Go-Go; raising about $2K (still amazed!), we never shot the book as intended.  Our September dates came and went.  We found a location to shoot the book, confirmed our makeup dude, but when the other half found out about a pending knee surgery, we postponed.  So some details (and some major pieces--money!) are completed, but no major move ahead has taken place.  2013 will no doubt be our year!

3) Reading for "A. Family Portrait"
       **Well, this is obvious.  Since there was no completed first draft, there was no reading.  That was an easy one.

4) Reading for "Me & Simon Baker"
     **Another obvious.  While the script is @ a very good place, a reading did not happen.  Oh well--the script did other things of note.  See below.

5) Sell "Me & Simon Baker" (it's a vast reaching one, but if I don't put the wish out to the universe, it'll never move in that direction--this one will require lots of steps and lots of detail work, but okay)
       **So the piece didn't sell, obviously.  However, it received some attention (and I received some nice affirmations) when it was chosen as a finalist in the Beverly HIlls Film Festival in April.  Suffice to say, it was a beautiful thing and made me feel like I was on the right track!  Sold or not, this script is on the right track.  It's currently entered into two more festivals; which we'll hear about in 2013.

So there we are...While chunks of things were done, I didn't reach ONE of my goals on this to-do list (and I might remind you--my readers of 0--and myself that this list was greatly abbreviated from previous years).  BUMMER.  :(

Anyhoo--onto 2013!

I'm gonna put down a whole list of things I want to accomplish.  Some are big, some are small, but perhaps we'll see @ the end of the year that I'll have more done!  What a novel idea!

1)  Complete first draft of A. FAMILY PORTRAIT.
2)  Complete first reading of A. FAMILY PORTRAIT (which means I'll need more than the first draft!)
3)  A. FAMILY PORTRAIT--query letters
4)  A. FAMILY PORTRAIT--5 festival/competitions
5)  FRENCH TOAST--one more festival
6)  first draft of CLARE, THIS IS JULIA
7)  first draft of HE MUST SMELL MY DOG
8)  first draft of FURNISH
9)  first draft of U.L.I.F.T.B
10)  NMM website COMPLETELY updated
11) 53 ZOMBIE MOODS--shot
12) 53 ZOMBIE MOODS--website COMPLETELY updated
13) LINDSAY'S LOCKER--protected
14) LINDSAY'S LOCKER--2 festival/competitions
15) HOUSE UP THE STREET--fleshed-out outline
16) SID'S APPLE--new draft
17) TISLYS--3 festivals/competitions
18) READY TO GO--complete sound design
19) READY TO GO--3 festivals
and finally--
20) Travel!  Very little travel done this year, and I am missing it.  This year, we change that!

I debated on setting specific monthly goals for the list, but I know that's pushing it.  Lots of these are's just a matter of money.  Submitting to all of these festivals can be costly...and certainly the volume I am looking for--that's completely the case!

I wish you all good luck and good fortune in your own to-do list extravaganza for 2013!  Let's get started!  :)

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Hollywood, California, United States
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